RAMX128K (Apple II, II+)

RAMX128K is available for order from ReActiveMicro.


Key Features

RAMX128K is a plug-in RAM card designed to provide an extra 128KB of RAM for Apple II and Apple II+ computers.

Apple’s Language Card defined the memory bank addressing scheme and I/O soft switches to allow an additional 16KB of Language Card RAM to be swapped into the ROM address space ($D000-$FFFF). Saturn Systems later expanded on this scheme with introduction of their 64KB and 128KB RAM cards, providing 4 or 8 x 16KB RAM banks respectively. To ensure full software compatibility, the first 16KB bank was controlled in the same manner as the Apple Language Card, with additional soft switches used to access the remaining banks.

RAMX128K is fully compatible with the Saturn 128K RAM card and is therefore also fully compatible with software designed to run with Apple’s Language Card (PASCAL, FORTRAN, etc), Microsoft’s RamCard and Z80 Softcard (CP/M, COBOL-80, FORTRAN-80, etc) and other RAM cards that follow the same memory bank switching scheme.

See the Installation Guide for further detail.

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