26th August 2020

I received notification from my PCB fab house that the boards and stencils have shipped - I should be receiving them early next week! In the meantime I'll be working on the stock ROM images that will ship with ROM X.

There hasn't been quite as much interest in the text ROM replacement thus far, but I neglected to share a feature that Jeff added some weeks ago. If you create a ROM image for ROM X, and add &Tn to the end of the description line (where n is a text ROM image 0 though F), ROM X will automatically select the text ROM specified when you boot with the ROM image.

This is great for playing with J PLus ROM's for example - you can associate the J Plus character ROM with the J Plus system ROM image. Another example would be The Freeze's F8 ROM and Pig Font. Just touching again on the J Plus ROM, Nick Westgate spun a custom version of the J Plus character ROM that should alleviate the need to modify the motherboard for J Plus operation. I'm yet to test this out (sorry Nick!) but all going well it will be included on the Text ROM.

I mentioned previously that there will be two versions of the text ROM - the 2316B SPCL for Rev 7 motheboards (PCB's are on the way), and the 2513 version for pre-Rev 7 motherboards (still on the drawing board!). I'll be putting some time into completing the board set for the 2513 version in the next week or so. The 2513 version will give you access to the exact same ROM set as the 2316B SPCL version.

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